Job Vacancy Accounting & Cost Control

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Accounting and Cost Control Reporting for Genting Oil Kasuri Pte. Ltd; PSC

A. Informasi Pekerjaan / Job Information

Job Title: PSC Accounting and Cost Control Reporting

Department : Finance Direct Report to : Oil & Gas Reporting Supervisor. Direct Subordinate: Government Finance and Reporting. Indirect Subordinate : N/A

B. Fungsi Utama Jabatan / Job Summary

To plan, organize, and control the PSC accounting reporting and cost control management.

C. Tanggung Jawab Jabatan / Responsibility

Reporting and Cost Control Routine Jobs

  • Prepare Financial Monthly Report (FMR) based on GL data supplied by SAP (Cost Recoverable Portion) with accurate numbers and submit the report to SKKMigas in a timely manner.
  • Maintain Monthly Reconciliation between FMR and SAP GL to ensure the FMR number is correct, and all reconciled items are justified.
  • Prepare Financial Quarterly Report (FQR) based on SAP GL data supplied by SAP (Cost Recoverable Portion) with accurate numbers and submit the report to SKKMigas in a timely manner.
  • Maintain Monthly Reconciliation between FQR and SAP GL to ensure the FQR number is correct, and all reconciled items are justified.
  • Provide GL for Cost Recoverable Portion which inline with FQR and Internal reporting number.
  • Prepare Quarterly Asset Report (Laporan Asset Kuartal) based on asset data supplied by SAP with accurate numbers and submit the report to SKKMigas in timely manner, then upload the updated asset into SINAS system of SKKMigas on a periodic basis.
  • Ensure the Non-Cost Recoverable are minimum.
  • Manage and ensure that all costs reported in FQR/MMR are recoverable as per current cost recoverable regulation (GR 79, GR 27 etc).
  • Prepare Annual Work Program and Budget (WP&B) with gather budget data proposal from all users and submit the WP&B book package to SKKMigas in timely manner. Participate in WP&B big meeting with SKKMigas and submit the WP&B Replacement book package to SKKMigas for the final approval.   
  • Prepare monthly budget report (budget vs actual) to all user department and provide notification if the budget utilization was reach 80 % to remind user to obtain additional budget approval.   
  • To in line with cost control project on the status of actual cost compared to approved budget or AFE.
  • To inform the user on budget availability (PP and WP&B) once user create the PR. If budgets are unavailable, then suggest the user to provide the IOM for unbudgeted approval purposes.

Reporting and Cost Control Non-Routine Jobs

  • Assist users to prepare AFE proposal and submit to SKKMigas through AFE Manager (online system)
  • Prepare AFE Close Out Report (COR) and submit it to SKKMigas in a timely manner.
  • Arrange AFE COR meeting with SKKMigas to obtain AFE COR approval.
  • Socialize and inform the new current cost recovery regulation to related department/personnel within company on a periodic basis. 
  • Carried out potential NCR exposure that company may face in the current or future caused by current company actions/ transaction.
  • Improve and update internal company procedures to be inline and comply with new applicable cost recoverable regulations. 
  • Provide data requested by SKKMigas/BPKP/BPK auditor during government audit performed.
  • Monitor and Track the Audit Findings/Corrective actions for NCR issues ensuring responses are assigned, initiated, and closed out in timely manner for such finding of NCR.

Liaise with government authority

  • Maintain strong relationships with SKKMIGAS and other government institutions. 
  • Provide and submit regular and irregular PSC Reporting for SKKMigas and other government institutions if necessary.
  • Close coordination with government auditor if company is being audited for certain period.

Development of Subordinate Staff

  • Government Finance and Reporting.


  • Compile reports from other dept /site to feed to the government reporting, partner reporting and Lender reporting.
  • Any other duties related to the job as directed by Superior.

D. Hubungan Kerja / Work Relationship

Internal : All Departments External : Any government or private institution related to PSC reporting and cost control activity.  

E. Persyaratan Jabatan / Job Specification

Pengalaman / Experience :  More than 3 years experiences in Oil and Gas industry - in production stage PSC.

Kualifikasi / Qualification   :

  • Bachelor’s degree (S1) in accounting from reputable university
  • Good understanding of PSC principles and relevant regulations and procedures
  • Good understanding of PSC financial aspects (WP&B and FQR)
  • Good understanding of AFE process and PSC asset accounting (SINAS Migas)
  • Experience in managing audit from Government Auditor
  • In-depth understanding and ability to use personal computer and Microsoft Office software, SAP system, AFE online system.
  • Have PSC accounting course certificate is advantage.
  • Good networking with SKKMigas, and other government institutions.  
  • Well experience with relevant computer software/programs i.e., Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Adobe, etc.
  • The candidates must be proficient in both English and Bahasa Indonesia (oral and written).

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